This document presents all versions and revisions of the International Phonetic Alphabet charts published throughout the Maître Phonétique and supplements to the journal from 1886-1970, including other notable charts and diagrams. Links to downloadable files of the digitized charts are also provided. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: | first version of the International Phonetic Alphabet as published in “The Phonetic Teacher” |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.3, Aug.-Sept. 1888 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Note: | first full alphabet revision with descriptive labels |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.14, Feb. 1899 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | first full IPA chart |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.15, 1900, “Exposé des principes de l’Association Phonétique Internationale” |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.18, May 1903 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | |||||
Note: | all columns revised with English labelling |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.19, 1904, “Aims and principles of the International Phonetic Association” |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.20, Dec. 1905 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | |||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | only chart where the vowels are organized above the consonants |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.22, May-June 1907 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | vowels first formatted with 3 distinct columns |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.27, 1912, “The Principles of the International Phonetic Association” |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Source: | L’Écriture Phonétique Internationale, 2nd ed., p. 6 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | first chart formatted for printing on booklet covers and first time tone marks were provided on chart |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.41, July-Sept. 1926 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other sounds: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Digraphs: | |||||||
Length, stress, pitch: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Modifiers: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Notes: | published in an article written by Daniel Jones, it includes revisions of the chart and the alphabet, some of which are retained in later charts |
other sounds, suprasegmentals, and diacritics are included in a separate section of the article | |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.43, 1928, “Lautzeichen und ihre Anwendung in verschiedenen Fachgebieten” |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Translation: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other sounds: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digraphs: | |||||||||||||||
Diacritics: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Phonetic attributes”: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | some revisions already introduced in Jones (1928) |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.45, July-Sept. 1930 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||
Other sounds revisions: | |||||||||||||
Digraphs revisions: | |||||||
Length, stress, pitch revisions: | |||||
Modifiers revisions: | ||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Notes: | printed on booklet covers from 1933-1937 |
published and re-formatted in “Fondamenti di Grafia Fonetica” 1933 | |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.48, April-June 1933 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | ||||||||||||||
Modifiers revisions: | |||||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | printed on booklet covers from 1939-1943 |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.54, July-Sept. 1939 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | |||||
Digraphs revisions: | |||||
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.59, July-Dec. 1947 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Chart revisions: | |||||
Other sounds revisions: | |||||||||||||
Digraphs revisions: | |||||||||
Modifiers revisions: | |||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | other sounds, suprasegmentals, and diacritics are included in a separate section of the article |
Source: | Principles of the International Phonetic Association, 1949 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Other sounds: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digraphs: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diacritics: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Length, stress, tones: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format revisions: |
Note: | printed on booklet covers from 1952-1970 |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.67, Jan.-July 1952 |
Images: | chart only | page scan |
Digraphs revisions: | |||||
Comment: | journal name changed from Maître Phonétique to Journal of the International Phonetic Association in 1971 |
Notes: | first revision of 1888 alphabet for French phonemes |
mainly, the vowels were replaced with new symbols that appear in later IPA charts | |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.9, Feb. 1894 |
Images: | chart only |
Notes: | first usage of chart format in the Maître Phonétique |
this preceded the first IPA chart | |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.9, June 1894 |
Images: | chart only |
Note: | an earlier proposed system to represent tones |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.23, Jan.-Feb. 1908 |
Images: | chart only |
Note: | example of the earlier representation for click sounds |
Source: | Maître Phonétique, vol.54, Oct.-Dec. 1938 |
Images: | chart only |
Researcher: | Natalie Udomkesmalee |
Web design: | Małgorzata Deroń, mderon[at] |
Typefaces: | system default serif and sans serif, unitipa (a Unicode-compliant version of tipa8, currently being developed by the IPA) |